Where is Dennis Doyle Performing?

 August 17-18    Bitterroot Highland games

Hamilton, MT, Info:  www.bcgg.org 


August 22.   Blessed Trinity Catholic Church

Missoula, MT. Concert info: maryjoq@blessedtrinitymissoula.org



August 25, September 15, September 29

St.Camillus Center for Spiritual Care

Monthly live online zoom concert series Sundays 3:30pm-4:00pm pacific time.  Info:  https://stcamilluscenter.org  Zoom Meeting ID 206 131 809

September 6-8    Pittsburgh Irish Festival

Carrie Blast Furnaces, Pittsburgh, PA, Info: http://pghirishfest.org


October 12-13     Seaside Highland Games

Ventura County Fairgrounds, Ventura, CA, Info: https://www.seasidehighlandgames.org




February 21-23    Religious Education Congress, Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA Info: https://www.recongress.org


March 22    Concert with Irish Singer Deirdre Ni Chinneide

Center for Spiritual Development, Orange, CA Info: https://www.thecsd.org

March 23    Concert with Irish Singer Deirdre Ni Chinneide

Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino, CA Info: https://www.hsrcenter.com

July 20 – August 1. Walking in the Path of the Irish Saints

Ireland Tour with Dennis Doyle and Fr. Chris Ponnet

Call or text 818-636-0912 to get on the interest list to receive full brochure and detailed  itinerary.  See preliminary info below:


For more information: DennisDoyleHarp@gmail.com
